Thursday 3 May 2012

O.P.I Spiderman Collection Review

So I recieved this yesterday, the new O.P.I Spiderman Collection Swatch! I've been waiting for ages to see what the colours are like in person so here we go:
Down the Right Side Top to Bottom: Your Web Or Mine, Call Me Gwenever, My Boyfriend Scales Walls & Shatter The Scales! Down The Left Side Top To Bottom: Into The Night, Just Spotted the Lizard, Number One Nemesis & Shatter The Scales!

Although I love Spiderman, Not a huge fan of The colors in the collection, don't get me wrong I like the colours, just not in a Spiderman Collection, I wanted a red&blue Glittery Shatter (wishful thinking) :).  I cant really give a full opinion on anything apart from the colours as I havent used any of these polishes yet! Will definately be getting the collection I think the duo chrome will go down great!

Left, Call Me Gwenever & Right, Your Web or Mine?

Call Me Gwenever is a Coral-Orange, its a heck of a lot more orange in real life than in the photo, which seems strange, I would have thought it would have been a red for this collection, obviously my camera likes the red undertones!

Your Wed or Mine - is a light shimmery, frosted pink, reminds me of a bright version of O.P.I Aphrodite's Pink Nightie with the way it looks on the nail, dont know why!

Left, Shatter the scales over what looks like alpine snow, its deep green shimmer shatter, I love this, the shimmer is amazing in real life you can really see even in the pic above the flecks of silver shimmer! Above is without a top coat.
Right, My Boyfriend Scales Walls - a creme white with a hint of grey, I compared it to O.P.I Alpine snow to show the difference:
I only really noticed the grey tones once compared to a true white!

Left - Into the Night,  a frosted blue shimmer, the undertones of lilac shimmer are visible when looked at closely, I thought this one would be another O.P.I Blue My Mind or You Gotta Get This Blue but it really isnt! Cant wait to get my hands on the bottle of this!
Right - Just Spotted The Lizard, a gold&green duo chrome, I Love This! I know there is a lot of duo chromes about similar (peridot) but w've never had a duo chrome to retail (we only opened in November 2011), so I am looking forward to introducing my customers to this baby! 

Left - Number One Nemesis, I dont know whether to love or hate this colour from a distance it looks like a murky green base with a light shimmer but up close ( as you can see above)  there are so many colours in the shimmer that it makes me love it!

Right - Shatter the Scales over Black Onyx, I top coated the shatter to show the amazing shimmer in this one, absolutely love this one!

I Cant wait to get this collection in and neither can some of our customers, i'm converting them all to polish-aholics slowly but surely! 
My favorites are definitely Into the Night,  Just Spotted the Lizard & Shatter the Scales, whats yours?

I will post a more detailed review once I receive my bottles seeing as I am quite new to all his blogging stuff!


1 comment:

  1. I found your website looking for a comparison of Your Web Or Mine and Aphrodite's Pink Nightie. They look the same to me. I wish you would have swatched them together. :) I guess I'll pass on the YWOM since I have 2 bottles of the APN already. I guess it's hard to come up with new colors?
